Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Fashion Illustration II

I am so proud of my progress in Fashion Illustration II! While I don't want to be an illustrator or sketch artist I never would have thought I could do at the beginning of the semester what I turned in for my final project tonight at class. Plus, learning Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign are valuable skills across multiple industries.

Here are a couple of my sketches. I'm going to upload the flip book soon so you can see the entire collection =)


  1. Amazing illustrations ! I love it ! How did you do it ? You must have some good skills ;)

    1. Lol, it's funny you say that. Someone called me mad skilled not too long ago. Thank you!

  2. Wow great work! You have a very distinct style, so you'll really stand out in the industry :] I hate learning illustrator, I find it an absolute pain ;]

    Kirstie xx

    1. Thank you, Kirstie! I hope to improve my skills so that I can whip out even cooler sketches in the future if need be ;-).

      Thanks for reading!

  3. Good job! I tried learning Illustrator once to do vector art but it seemed too complicated for me and my art skills are lacking. It's great that you improved so much :) Keep it up!

    Jane, lifesentropy.com

    1. Thanks, Jane! Don't give up, once you get the hang of illustrator it's really easy to maneuver and create things.


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