Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Dercksen Residence: New Year's Dinner Table

OP's family set up the dinner table so lovely while I visited Luxembourg. Unfortunately, the beautiful pics from my favorite set-up from Christmas Dinner were destroyed while uploading onto my computer =( . However, I did get the chance to take another unique and classy set-up on New Year's. Ms. Alina and her husband, Mr. Dercksen, keep their home at the highest level of upkeep with classy details and sophistication brimming throughout. Perhaps it is the mix of her Ukrainian background with his Dutch...or simply an innate sense of style. Either way, they have an undeniably lovely home and take excellent care of their guests.

 It's quite modern and extremely classy! It makes me excited to have my own home one day and decorate it beautifully for parties, holidays and just regular days.

Location: Luxembourg

1. OP and his mama, Ms. Alina, share a moment on the front steps as the lobster chills
2-8. New Years' Eve Table Set
9. The Dercksen home

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