Thursday, December 29, 2011

Yowa Yowa Camera Girl

A little while back I came across a photographer from Tokyo that calls herself "Yowa Yowa Camera girl," which according to her means "weak," as she finds it difficult to carry the heavy DSLR cameras around (aww!). Interesting name but even more interesting photographer, as she doesn't just capture lillies and roses, but she uses a camera that manages to capture "levitating" people. It is really awesome! I scroll through her blog for quite some time looking at the different places she captures the levitating people, like talking on the phone, in a restaurant, on the train or wherever else she decides to snap them. Kudos to Yowa Yowa camera girl for having a unique perspective and neat blog!

P.S. For any interested photographers, she gives detailed instructions on her blog on how to capture photos like these, including camera and lenses to use so check it out:

 Yowa Yowa Blog

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