Thursday, December 1, 2011

Featured on IPO Lifestyle

The company I currently serve as the creative director for interviewed me a while back about my experience in fashion, with IPO and my passion for fashion in general. Today, they featured it on the website and Carla did a great job on the article!

Here's a few excerpts from it:

How was your experience studying abroad and how did that influence  your style?
Nia: "My experience was amazing! I wouldn’t change it for anything...It was great getting to learn about fashion in one of the fashion capitols of the world, and getting to network with people from different countries like Egypt, Morocco, and Ukraine. I got to intern at a vintage boutique in London and I was styling vintage quality clothing and creating looks that were being posted on the website. I never did anything that big before as far as fashion. It opened my eyes up and made me realize that I really can make it in the industry despite people saying its so hard to do..."

What was the most memorable project you’ve worked on?
Nia: "The most memorable project I’ve worked on besides IPO...was when I worked backstage during London Fashion Week and I got to take photos for my blog and help dress  some of the models. It was absolute mayhem! It was so crazy with all of the models running around backstage and the designers trying to get ready. I couldn’t believe I got to be there, and to see it on the website was big."
Take a look at the entire article here ;-):  IPO Spotlight Interview

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